Excellence Award Spotlight: Alan Mattson

Since 2018, the Oklahoma Pork Council has presented Excellence Awards to recognize those pork producers who have made the daily work of raising pigs more than just a job, but a passionate calling. Nominees can work in any sector of pork production, as long as they excel in at least one of Oklahoma Pork’s four strategic intentions.

Over the course of his career, Alan Mattson has truly embodied what it means to be a servant leader. His commitment as a farm manager for Seaboard’s Farm 009 in Hinton sets a meaningful example to his colleagues who nominated him for a 2023 Oklahoma Pork Council Excellence Award.

Alan has over 20 years of experience in the pork industry and has worked in the Hinton farms for most of his career. Within just a few months of rejoining the Hinton farms after a temporary career change, Alan rose to the level of farm manager. Upon his notable accomplishments throughout farm ownership changes, Alan’s farms are consistently the most risk averse in the system, staying free from disease and navigating difficult weather conditions. This is partially due to Alan’s strict biosecurity standards and his attention to detail throughout his barns.

When talking to Alan’s team, you will hear constant remarks on his notable self-discipline and dry sense of humor. Alan is admired for his “old school” work ethic and would much rather take on manual labor with his team than office work. Alan is a great farm manager and an extraordinary caretaker for his hogs. Night or day, rain or shine, he responds to the needs of his farm. Outside of pork production, Alan enjoys spending time with his wife, four children, and three grandchildren. The Oklahoma Pork Council celebrates Alan for his impressive work and leadership!