Pork Shines at Made In Oklahoma Tasting Event

As a proud partner of the Made in Oklahoma (MIO) Coalition, Oklahoma Pork's team recently enjoyed the coalition's "Oklahoma's Finest" tasting event where homegrown Prairie Fresh pork starred in a majority of the dishes.

This annual dinner to celebrate Oklahoma's diverse and delicious local food scene was led by respected area chefs Kurt Fleischfresser and Kevin Lee. "Chef Kurt" has long been a friend to the Oklahoma Pork Council, including participating in our Bacon and Bourbon dinners over the years when he previously worked at VAST.

From pulled pork and sausage to ribs and carnitas, there was an abundance of Oklahoma-raised pork offerings available to the event's 100 attendees. It was fun to enjoy our producers' quality pork products showcased alongside other well-loved Oklahoma icons like Head Country BBQ sauce, Suan's jellies, and Field's pies throughout the night.

The past few months brought several other special opportunities for collaboration with the MIO Coalition, including Oklahoma Pork's Give-A-Ham free community lunch in Enid and October's Homeland feeding event in Oklahoma City.

We are always grateful for strong partners who help tell the story of Oklahoma pork from farm to fork. If you have ideas or participate in other events proudly featuring products from your own farms, please let us know!