
Thank you for celebrating #MeatAllWeek! Please take our #MeatAllWeek Pledge and we’ll send you a Made By Meat t-shirt. And we’d love to connect with you beyond #MeatAllWeek. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and sign up for our monthly Pork Fans Confidential e-newsletter.

Take the #MeatAllWeek Pledge

Because I honor the 110,000 Oklahomans who raise livestock providing $18 billion to Oklahoma’s economy.

Because I enjoy the healthy protein they provide for my dinner table and appreciate their commitment to caring for our state’s natural resources.

Because meat tastes good and I enjoy eating it.

I pledge to eat meat all week from March 22 – 26, 2021.

We are only able to ship t-shirts to Oklahoma addresses. T-shirts will be available to the first 250 people who sign the pledge. By completing pledge form, you agree to receive a monthly e-mail from okPORK.